Facial Hair Transplant in Iran

Top Beard Transplant Centers

Thick and uniform beard is one of the secrets of masculinity. That is why, the popularity of beard and mustache transplants is increasing among men.

An Overview of Beard Transplant in Iran

Before Beard Hair Transplant After Beard Hair Transplant

Similar to hair implantation, in beard transplant, hair from the back or around the head is used for transplantation. After the procedure, this hair grows just like natural beards and does not require further care. But why do we need  beard transplant? In many men, facial hair does not naturally grow evenly. These result in scattered hair growth on the face instead of a regular beard. A person may also have genes preventing beard growth.

Beard implants are increasing day by day in Iran and it is a very useful cosmetic procedure for men who want their beards to look finer and more tidy. Beard transplantation can be performed on the cheeks, beard line, mustache or chin area and is a solution to fill in hairless areas or thinning hair. Our capable doctors in Medpaltrip will ensure optimum results.

In this article, we are going to discuss beard transplantation in Iran. We will examine issues such as the cost of beard transplant in Iran, how it is done, various methods, who it is for and the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

Cost of Beard Transplant in Iran


Beard Transplantation is not a cheap cosmetic procedure in most countries. In the United States, for example, the cost of a beard implant can be as high as $ 15,000, depending on the size of the graft, and even minor transplants can cost about $ 3,000 to $ 7,000. But the cost of growing a beard in Iran is far more reasonable.

The cost depends on a variety of factors such as:

  • The size of the target area,
  • The amount of grafts,
  • The technique,
  • Physician’s fees. 

In Medpaltrip we connect you to Iran’s most reputable doctors.

Take a look at the charts below to compare beard transplant prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : 550 $
Turkey : 3500$
India : 4000$
Brazil : 4505$
Thailand : 4533$
USA : 7600$

Procedure Details

Beard implant is very similar to hair transplant. It is carried out under local anesthesia and takes 4 to 5 hours. The healing span is normally 2 – 4 weeks and the candidate can return to work 10 days after the procedure is done.




4 - 5 Hours

Clinical Stay

Not Necessary

Total Stay

7 Days

Back to Work

10 Days


2 - 4 Weeks

What is Beard Transplant?

What is Beard Transplant?

Beard transplant is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that does not consume a huge amount of time to perform and has a very short recovery period. The popularity of this procedure is increasing daily  in Iran.

Beard implantation is very simple. Your doctor will remove the hair from the donor site, which is usually from the back of the head and transplants them onto your face at the target area. In people who do not have enough hair on the back of the head, hair from other parts of the body, including the back, chest, arms or legs may be used. It is worth mentioning that people with complete baldness on the head or all over their body can not enjoy the benefits of beard implants.

In beard implants, depending on the procedure hair follicles are removed from various areas, especially the back of the head, which has thicker hair. Considering the density of the hair at the target area, the doctor then plants these follicles on the face at the desired location. When the follicles are implanted, the implanted hairs start to grow quickly  yielding satisfactory results.

Usually those who undergo beard transplant procedure can start shaving their beards after 14 days. The new hair will be similar to the previous hair. Usually hair loss is completely normal 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. Permanent hair growth begins after this stage. It may take 3 to 4 months for the transplanted hair to fully adapt and grow. Full root growth is expected to take about 6 to 12 months.

The success rate of beard implants in Iran is very high and the implanted beard remains permanently. New hair has completely natural hair characteristics. 

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Types of Beard Transplant in Iran

There are three major beard transplantation techniques in Iran:

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

The most commonly approved method of beard implantation is FUE. In this technique the doctor removes the hair follicles one by one from the donor site and transplants them on the face at the target area. To do this, fine cuts are made on the face. This method is very delicate and requires highly skilled doctors to correctly determine the direction, density and angle of the new hair.

In this technique, typically between 4,000 and 7,000 hair follicles are needed for beard implants, depending on the size and the largeness of the hairless area. To do this, you will be under local anesthesia for 2 to 5 hours. Depending on the doctor, this may be done manually or by use of automatic tools.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

This method is also known as strip surgery. In this method, a thin strip of skin containing healthy hair is removed and implanted in the desired area on the face. The donor area is small, and is later sutured, and quickly covered by surrounding hair.

Like the FUE method, incisions are made in the face for implantation. In this method, the hairs are separated and implanted in groups of 4 (also called follicular units). This procedure may take between 4 to 12 hours, depending on the size, location, displaced units, and local anesthesia.

The recovery period in this method is longer than FUE and in the first 5 days the face and the donor area should not be touched. Also, in the first few days, there may be swelling on the skin of the face, which is normal.


SUT for beard

SUT is a revolutionary technique in facial hair transplantation (beard, eyebrows and eyelashes). In this method, the implanted hairs look very natural and have a high density. This method uses automatic devices to remove hair from the back of the head causing far less damage to the hair follicles. The results start to surface as fast as on the same day of the procedure as it is possible to implant the hair at a depth of one centimeter in the skin.

Who Is It For?

The best candidates for beard transplantation are:

  • Men who genetically do not have a beard and  mustache or they are not thick;
  • Men who have an old scar on their face (beard and mustache) and can use a beard implant to cover it;
  • Men who want to further grow and thicken the roots of their facial hair for beauty reasons.

In general, for beard transplantation, one must have suitable hair banks in the mentioned areas.

Beard transplants can be carried out from the age of 25. However, beard growth may naturally take up to 30 years. To achieve optimum results, our doctors in Medpaltrip will be at your service.

Advantages of Beard Transplant in Iran

  • Enjoying long lasting results;
  • It is a safe cosmetic procedure;
  • Requires only local anesthesia;
  • No pain;
  • Transplanted beard is like natural hair;
  • Newly transplanted hair can be trimmed and shaved;
  • It completely covers permanent wounds or burns;
  • It can fully cover permanent scars and burns.
  • World class clinics and centers;
  • Highly skilled physicians;
  • Affordable prices.

Preoperative Preparations

  • It is recommended not to take medications such as multivitamins for 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications should not be used for at least 3 days before beard implantation.
  • Candidates should avoid sun exposure as far as possible.
  • Smoking should be stopped at least one week prior to the operation.
  • As the graft hair is removed from the back of the head, the hair must be long enough to cover the donor area.
  • Taking vitamin C prior to the procedure helps with faster recovery.
  • Coffee and caffeinated beverages must be avoided in the morning prior to the procedure as it can cause bleeding and increased sensitivity.

We in Medpaltrip will be by your side from the beginning to the end of your  medical trip.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative Care

To achieve the best results and avoid possible side effects, it is recommended to take a note of the following:

  • Due to the anesthetic effects, beard transplantation is painless, but once the effects disappear, you may feel mild pain both at the donor site and on the face. This pain may stay with you for several days. Ice packs or painkillers can be used for recovery.
  • Your face may become swollen 3 to 5 days after the beard implant. Swelling is a common but minor complication and you do not need to take any special action. However, cold compresses can be used for healing.
  • Avoid scratching the face or the donor site if it is itchy. If the itching is unbearable, be sure to consult your doctor to eliminate it.
  • Similar to hair implantation, it is better to sleep in an upward position for at least a few nights. This reduces swelling of the face as well as bleeding. It is better to put 2 to 3 pillows under your head for this.
  • Avoid washing your face for up to 24 hours. After 24 hours, the following steps can be taken for better healing and scaling prevention:

    • Applying lotions on the areas for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Using special shampoos for washing
    • Massaging skin gently after partial recovery
    • Drying the roots after washing.

  • Avoid shaving your beard for at least a month.
  • Avoid activities such as swimming, sun exposure, smoking, heavy physical activities, especially if it causes sweating or touching, rubbing and itching of the target area.

Possible Side Effects

Possible Side Effects

In general, beard transplant has no special side effects and is a safe cosmetic procedure. But it can cause complications such as swollen follicles, scaling, tingling, numbness, heaviness, tenderness, bruising, or scars that are common but harmless and usually go away within a few days.

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