Filler Injection In Iran

Best Centers and Applications

During  filler injection, gel-like materials are injected  to fill in wrinkles or add volume to less dense areas such as the lips and cheeks.

What Filler Means?

Filler is one of the most common and widely used beauty procedures in Iran today; Skin fillers, also known as gels, are substances that are injected into the affected area to fill in wrinkles or to thicken certain tissues, such as the lips or cheeks. Fillers can be injected anywhere on the face or body, such as the neck and arms.

Due to its various applications and marginal complications, skin fillers have become one of the most popular beauty essentials in Iran with a high number of candidates every year. This has led to a significant increase in reputable beauty centers and clinics and skilled specialists in the field of fillers in Iran. Using our services in Medpaltrip, you can travel to Iran and enjoy filler injection and other beauty procedures with high quality and very reasonable prices.

In this article, we have tried to cover everything about filler injection  in Iran; from the cost to the steps and the types of fillers available in Iran.

Cost of Filler Injection in Iran

The cost of filler in Iran is very affordable, compared to the average cost of filler injection in the United States. Considering the extremely high quality of services that you can receive in reputable filler centers in Iran, the cost of filler in Iran is very reasonable.


The cost of filler injection in Iran depends on many factors. Factors that determine the cost of filler injection in Iran are:

  • Types and compounds used in fillers. For example, hyaluronic acid filler, which is often recommended by doctors, has a higher price.
  • The brand  of the fillers (such as Boliga gel, Teosyal filler, Styling filler and Juvederm).
  • The injection site; For example, the price of lip filler is different from the eye filler.
  • The physician and the center.

Take a look at the charts below to compare filler injection prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : 2000$
Turkey : 3500$
India : 4000$
Brazil : 4505$
Thailand : 4533$
USA : 7600$

What is Filler Injection?

You may be wondering why wrinkles appear on the skin; some of the reasons for this are:

  • As you age and the aging process begins, the skin naturally loses its elasticity and becomes more fragile.
  • Decreased production of natural fats also causes dry skin and wrinkles.
  • External factors such as sunlight, lifestyle, smoking and facial movements such as frowning or laughing can also damage the skin.
  • Genetics are also involved in the aging process of the skin.

Ultimately, all the above may lead to deep wrinkles on your skin. Preventing or delaying this natural process is a public concern. Protecting the skin from the sun by using sunscreens, healthy diets and quitting smoking can delay the formation of skin wrinkles. To get rid of facial wrinkles, the following treatments can be followed under the supervision of a doctor:

Pharmacological Treatments

These include using compounds containing retinoic acid (derived from vitamin A) or creams containing antioxidants etc.

Non-Surgical Procedures

Filler Injection

These are injectable filler materials that are injected into the desired areas.

In this method, fat extracted from other parts of your body (such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks) is injected into the desired area of ​​the face.

Reconstruction of the skin surface with the help of laser, which is also known as peeling laser.


In this method, ultrasound is used for rejuvenation. The radiation can stimulate collagen production.


In Carboxytherapy, the skin blood supply is stimulated and skin repair occurs through injecting some amount of carbon dioxide gas.

In this method, small needles are inserted into the skin to stimulate collagen production.

Surgical procedures

Methods such as facelift are used to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin with surgery.

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As mentioned earlier, fillers literally fill the skin. As the name implies, skin fillers are substances that are injected at the target site to fill in wrinkles or add volume to some tissues, such as the lips or cheeks. Fillers are in fact a suitable and almost long-term solution for removing wrinkles. This procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis in beauty centers only by injecting fillers into the skin.

Some other applications of fillers are:

  • Eliminating superficial and deep wrinkles;
  • Adding volume to cheeks with cheek filler;
  • Eliminating the dimples under the eyes;
  • Eliminating the wrinkles under the eyes;
  • Removing the laughter line;
  • Eliminating the frowning line;
  • Correcting the shape of the nose;
  • Correcting the jaw area and jaw angulation;
  • Filling the temporal area;
  • Correcting shoulder position
  • Using fillers as complementary treatments for dental work such as frames around the teeth.

Although fillers are usually injected for cosmetic purposes, they are also used in medical treatments. Some of the applications of fillers in medical treatments include:

  • Correction of facial abnormalities;
  • Wound healing;
  • Treatment of rheumatic diseases (by injecting gel into the joint of patients with arthritis or arthritis);
  • Ophthalmology (in eye drops).

Finally, if you are after reducing wrinkles, thickening your face, rejuvenating your skin and a more beautiful face, injecting fillers with us at Medpaltrip is the ideal option.

Advantages of Filler Injection in Iran

Filler making in Iran today has become very popular not only for Iranians themselves, but also for people outside Iran. With reputable skin clinics and top notch and modern facilities, the most experienced medical staff and the use of materials in accordance with world standards, Iran is one of the leading countries in the field of filler injection.

The increasing interest of Iranians in cosmetic interventions and skin care has led many doctors and specialists to step into this popular field. That is why fillers can be a suitable, cost-effective and safe option for those who, in addition to beauty, also care about the safety and health of the injection.

Filler injection seems like a simple task, but it needs to be carried out by skilled specialists, as it may lead to irreparable complications if not done improperly. Through Medpaltrip travel packages, you can apply for fillers in Iran with confidence in the credibility of the centers and the skills of the specialists.

Temporary or Permanent Filler Injection?

You may be wondering what filler compounds in Iran are and how long they last? In Iran, there are three categories of fillers according to the longevity: temporary, semi-permanent and permanent filler.

In the following, we will discuss all three methods, along with their advantages, disadvantages, and compounding materials.

Temporary fillers
Temporary fillers use absorbable and natural compounds from the body. Absorption of these natural substances by the body has made these fillers temporary.

Advantages of temporary fillers:

  • Being natural and compatible which make them safe and prevent reaction;
  • Little to no side effects;
  • Early result;
  • No movement under the skin;
  • While the temporary nature of these fillers may seem disadvantageous as there is always a need to repeat the injection; this temporary nature becomes advantageous if the person is not happy with the result of the filler injection, this change will not be permanent and will return to its original state within 6 to 12 months.

After repeated injections and renewal of temporary fillers, these fillers will help me last longer.

The most popular temporary fillers are hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite.

Semi-permanent fillers
In this type of filler, the compounds are thicker in comparison with temporary fillers, and they are usually help with filling deep skin wrinkles. Semi-permanent fillers include PLLA and PMMA.

Permanent fillers
Silicone injection is in the category of permanent fillers. Nowadays this method is less popular than it used to be due to many complications and more efficient competitors such as temporary and semi-permanent fillers. The US Food and Drug Administration has banned Silicone injections.

Overall, take note that the durability of the filler depends on factors including:

  • The aftercare;
  • The quality of the material used in the center you are referring to;
  • The client’s age and the amount of wrinkles on his skin.

Preoperative Preparations and Postoperative Care

Preoperative care

  • Before injecting the filler, your doctor examines the different areas of your face and the injection site and tells you exactly where and how much filler you need. Your specialist will check your medical history.
  • You must treat any skin condition, such as herpes, before your injection procedure.
  • It is best to stop smoking prior to filler injection. Smoking and tobacco use can adversely affect the outcome of filler injections.
  • Avoid topical creams and ointments such as tretinoin (Retin-A), retinol, retinoids, glycolic acid, or any anti-wrinkle products from two days prior injection.
  • Do not use wax or shaving creams from two days prior to your filler injection.
  • Drink lots of water and fluids before and after the procedure.
  • Use an antibacterial agent to clean the injection site.

Postoperative care

  • The injection site may become bruised and swollen. Apply ice packs and Arnica cream topically to reduce bruising and swelling.
  • People experience pain at the injection site shortly after the injection. If the pain persists, you can use acetaminophen.
  • We recommend avoiding itching and massaging the injection site after the filler.
  • It is best to avoid heavy exercise for two weeks after the injection.
  • During the recovery period, avoid sunlight and apply sunscreen.

Side Effects

Before injecting filler, it is better to gain some awareness about the possible side effects. New filters, especially temporary filters, are free of any complications most of the time. This has made these products increasingly popular. However, there are some mild side effects that you may experience. These side effects usually improve within one to two weeks:

  • Bruising;
  • Redness;
  • swelling;
  • Mild pain;
  • Itching.
By working with Iran’s top dermatologists and clinics, our aim is to help minimize the side effects of your treatment as much as possible. 

Similar Techniques

Fat injection vs. Gel Injection?

  • In fat injections, your dermatologist reinjects the extracted fat from other parts of your body (such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks) back into the target area of the face. This method requires more therapeutic interventions and medical measures than the injection of filler or gel. To inject fat, you need to apply more anesthesia, and the recovery takes at least a week.
  • Fat injections usually last longer than gels; this means that initial treatment sessions may be longer, but reinjection periods are shorter.


The injection time varies depending on the injection site; but generally each injection takes only a few minutes and usually the total injection time does not exceed 30 minutes.
Generally, the pain caused by the filler injection is tolerable. The pain varies depending on the thickness of the skin at the injection site and the proximity or distance to the bone. Anesthetic fluid is usually present in filler compounds. In cases where there aren’t, the dermatologists apply local anesthesia to the site. Your doctor will ask your about your history of allergies to any of the substances present in the fillers before performing local anesthesia.
It is worth mentioning that results start to surface from the very first moments after the injection. Bruising and swelling from the injection in the first few days may prevent you from seeing a clear change in your face. The recovery time varies with each type of filler, but it usually takes one to two weeks for the swelling to heal.
As puberty occurs at a different age in each person, there is no specific age that is unsuitable for this treatment. However, dermatologists often recommend filler injections from the age of 18 onwards. Ultimately it depends on your comfort and the doctor’s decision.
  • People who are allergic to filler compounds;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • People with any bacterial, viral or fungal infections at the injection site.


In the end it is worth mentioning that filler injection is not as simple as it may seem, and to do so requires university education and medical knowledge, experience and skills. Today, filler injections in Iran have attracted the attention of enthusiasts worldwide due to the quality of materials, experience and skills of specialists and affordable costs. At Medpaltrip, we help you experience a safe and satisfying filler injection in Iran.

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