Eyebrow Transplant In Iran

Affordable Costs

If you are tired of daily eyebrow makeup and you do not want to deal with complications of tattoos, your next best alternative is getting eyebrow transplant.

An Overview of Eyebrow Transplant in Iran

eyebrow transplantation before eyebrow transplantation After

Today, eyebrow transplantation has gained a lot of fame in Iran. Eyebrows are one of the most important elements in the face, the beauty and thickness of which greatly affect the beauty of your face. That is why beauty fans have always been looking for a way to enhance their eyebrows. Implantation or eyebrow transplantation is a method in which the overall structure of the hair (including the hair shaft and follicle) is removed from other parts and transplanted to the desired area of the eyebrow.

Eyebrow transplantation in Iran has passed the initiations. Satisfactory results of eyebrow implants in Iran have attracted more and more fans. This treatment must be done by a certified doctor and a specialist. In Medpaltrip, we are here to provide you with enough information and to help you do eyebrow implants in Iran.

Benefits and costs of eyebrow implants in Iran, complications, and a summary of everything about eyebrow implants in Iran are discussed in Iran.

Cost of Eyebrow Transplant in Iran

Cost of Eyebrow Transplant in Iran

Eyebrow implants are highly affordable in Iran. Take a look at the table below while keeping in mind that the average cost of eyebrow implants in the United States can be between $3,000 and $6,000. Considering the facilities and benefits that you can get in eyebrow implant centers in Iran, the cost is very reasonable. The price of eyebrow implants in Iran depends on many factors, including:

  • Clinical facilities and equipment;
  • Reputation, expertise and skill of the physician;
  • Number of grafts transplanted;
  • Preoperative care and aftercare;
  • The difference between the cost of natural and artificial eyebrow transplants;

Take a look at the charts below to compare eyebrow transplant prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : 2000$
Turkey : 3500$
India : 4000$
Brazil : 4505$
Thailand : 4533$
USA : 7600$

Procedure Details

Similar to hair transplant, eyebrow implant is also carried out under local anesthesia and takes 4 to 5 hours. The healing span is normally 2 – 4 weeks and the candidate can return to work 10 days after the procedure is done.




4 - 5 Hours

Clinical Stay

Not Necessary

Total Stay

7 Days

Back to Work

10 Days


2 - 4 Weeks

Why Do We Need Eyebrow Transplant?

Why Do We Need Eyebrow Transplant?

Why is eyebrow implantation common in Iran these days? The role of eyebrows in our beauty and self-confidence is undeniable. It is the eyebrows that make our eyes the way they do. They are so important that even obesity or thinness, aging and youthfulness of the face largely depend on them. That is why, many people seek to beautify their eyebrows by using eyebrow cosmetics, tattoos, eyebrow microblading and eyebrow transplant. Eyebrow transplantation is a permanent cosmetic procedure that eliminates the need for temporary procedures such as eyebrow makeup and tattoos.

People often turn to eyebrow transplant because:

  • They do not have congenital eyebrows or have low eyebrow follicles;
  • They have pale eyebrows;
  • They have lost eyebrows during events such as burns, fractures and tattoos.
  • They have lost their eyebrows due to alopecia (baldness), mineral deficiency, eczema, eyebrow infection, taking some medications, thyroid diseases, chemotherapy, etc;
  • They want better and more beautiful eyebrows;
  • They suffer from drooping eyebrows with age.

Alternatives Beauty Treatments For Eyebrows

Alternatives Beauty Treatments For Eyebrows

Some other options besides eyebrow transplant are:

Home Remedies
Some people use natural remedies to thicken their eyebrows. These methods require practice and the eyebrows may return to their original situation after the cessation of care and the end of the eyebrow growth phase.

Most people use makeup to enhance their eyebrows. This method is cheap and relatively easy, but to achieve symmetry you need to be skilled and the end result may not look very natural. After all, this is temporary and is very time consuming to do everyday. What matters is that frequent use of chemical cosmetics in the eyebrow area will lead to eyebrow loss in the long run.

Eyebrow Tattoos 
Tattoos are almost out dated as newer methods such as eyebrow microblading and transplant have emerged. Other disadvantages of tattoos include excessive complications (including bleeding, infection, and prolonged recovery), abnormal framing, long-term discoloration, and drooping eyebrows.

Eyebrow microblading
Microblading, also known as eyebrow shading, is another semi-permanent eyebrow beautification technique that is done using a pigment bond to the skin layers.


What is Eyebrow Transplant?

Why Do We Need Eyebrow Transplant?

Eyebrow implants are more common today than they used to be, especially now when wide and natural eyebrows are a key factor in beauty and, on the other hand, old techniques such as tattoos are out of fashion.

But what exactly is eyebrow transplantation?

As previously mentioned, an eyebrow implant is a procedure in which the entire structure of the hair is removed from other parts (usually the scalp and above the ear) and attached to the desired area of the eyebrow. As the hair follicle is transplanted in this way, the regrowth of these eyebrow strands is maintained even after the natural loss of the eyebrow.

Eyebrow transplantation; Natural or Artificial?

Eyebrows may be transplanted naturally or artificially.

  • As mentioned above, natural hair is used in natural eyebrow implantation, while artificial hair is used in artificial hair implantation.
  • In artificial eyebrow implants, transplanted eyebrows cannot grow. Natural eyebrow implants are often recommended as the eyebrow hair can actually grow.
  • Natural eyebrow implants usually cost more than artificial eyebrow implants.

Advantages of Eyebrow Transplant in Iran

Eyebrow implants in Iran are progressing in line with other countries and in  some cases even ahead. This has led to increasing the experience, awareness and skills of Iranian physicians as well as the establishment of reputable skin and hair beauty clinics in Tehran and other parts of Iran. Among the eyebrow beautification methods, eyebrow implantation is the preferred choice among other methods due to its permanence, safety and other benefits. All that aside, it is more affordable than other countries. These factors have turned Iran into the medical destination for many people from other countries.

Who is it NOT for?

  • People with blood and coagulation illnesses,
  • People taking anticoagulants;
  • People with alopecia areata;
  • People with trichotillomania (Trichotillomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder in which the patient pulls their hair and brows out).

Preoperative Care

Preoperative Care
  • Complications aside, eyebrow transplantation in unreliable centers and clinics will be a waste of resources. It is important to acquire the necessary information and find the trusted centers before applying for eyebrow transplant in Tehran, or anywhere else in the world. In Medpaltrip, we assist you with this matter.
  • Before having an eyebrow transplant, inform your specialist about medications and supplements, allergies, and your medical history. Also make sure to completely elaborate your expectations.
  • If you are using Minoxidil to treat your hair loss, it is best to stop taking it a week before your procedure.
  • Stop smoking and alcohol consumption at least two weeks prior to eyebrow transplantation.
  • 24 hours prior to your eyebrow implantation, eat healthy and sufficient food, drink enough water and get enough sleep.

How It Is Done

The main stages of eyebrow implantation in Iran are:

  1. Designing the Shape of the Eyebrows
    In this step, the shape of your eyebrows, the border of eyebrow implantation and the desired areas are determined. Designing the shape of the eyebrows is done based on your specifications and with the guidance and expert opinion of an experienced doctor and cosmetologist.
  2. Hair Graft Removal
    The specialist will determine the number of transplant grafts according to your needs. He then selects the area of the body where the grafts are removed from. Suitable areas of hair bank eyebrow transplant includes the following:
    • The back of the ear;
    • Back of the head;
    • Extra hair on your eyebrows;
    • Upper thigh hair in women (last priority).
  3. Local anesthesia
    The area of follicle extraction is anesthetized.
  4. Follicle extraction
    This stage varies in different methods of eyebrow implantation.
  5. Implantation of follicles in the eyebrow area
    Automatic or manual punches are used to implant the extracted follicles. At this stage, the doctor must pay attention to the pattern of the patient’s eyebrow strands, the angle of the eyebrows to the skin and the eyebrow frame.

Medpaltrip is by your side to take care of everything during this process.


  • Avoid direct sunlight;
  • Avoid contact with the eyebrows when washing the face;
  • Do not take a bath for 24 hours and then wash your eyebrows with  special serum;
  • Avoid heavy exercise for up to two weeks;
  • Do not scratch or touch the eyebrows until they fully grow back;
  • Do not bend your head down. Use a few pillows under your head while sleeping;
  • Consult your doctor before doing eyebrow microblading and going to the hair salons;
  • Avoid smoking until the recovery period is over;
  • Do not take any medications without first consulting your doctor.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions. Use prescribed medications and ointments regularly.

Side Effects

Eyebrow implants are usually associated with few complications. Keep in mind that there are usually a few mild and unavoidable side effects after any cosmetic treatment. If an eyebrow implant is performed by an experienced and skilled specialist, no serious side effects will surface.

Some of these complications are:

  • Slightly longer recovery period;
  • Mild bleeding at the implant site which is usually resolved within two to three days;
  • Mild to moderate pain that improves within the first few days.

Eyebrow Transplant or Microblading, Which One is Better?

Eyebrow Transplant or Microblading, Which One is Better?

Eyebrow implants or eyebrows?

  • Eyebrow implants are permanent, while microblading is a semi-permanent procedure that may fade over time.
  • Eyebrow implants look natural, while microblading does not. Keep in mind that this method is still more natural than tattoos.
  • Eyebrow implants give the eyebrows a thicker appearance, however, microblading causes the eyebrows to fall out in the long run.
  • Microblading is cheaper than eyebrow transplant.


Eyebrow transplantation varies from person to person depending on the amount of hair follicle transplanted, but in general, the eyebrow implant process takes about two to three hours.
No. Eyebrow implantation is performed under local anesthesia and does not require general anesthesia.
Yes. Many people do eyebrow implants to make their former tattoo or microblading look natural, and this is not a problem.
No. At the beginning of the eyebrow implant, the area is anesthetized locally and so you do not feel any pain.
Although it is possible to undergo eyebrow transplantation, people under the age of 18 are not good candidates for eyebrow transplants.
Just a few days after eyebrow transplantation, you will notice flakes around the transplanted hair follicles, which indicates an improvement in eyebrow implantation. In one to two months, you may notice that the implanted hair strands are falling. Take note that these are completely normal and you do not need to worry as even though the hair is apparently shed, the transplanted follicles with the ability to grow again are still in the skin. Also keep in mind that it may take several months for transplanted hair to start growing from the follicles. So be patient and call your doctor if you are worried.

Natural eyebrow implants are a permanent method for thickening eyebrows. Because in natural eyebrow implants, natural hair follicles are transferred to the eyebrows, it is expected that these follicles will be able to grow again even after natural hair loss or shedding during eyebrow shaving. However, the survival rate of eyebrow implants depends on the following factors:

  • Resistance of transplanted hair follicles
    The more persistent the hair at the hair bank is against hair loss, the more resistant they are at the eyebrow.
  • Aftercare
    Using reinforcing medication strengthens your eyebrows. While the use of cosmetics containing lead and mercury reduces the lifespan of the eyebrows.
  • Lifestyle
    Adequate sleep, healthy eating, not smoking, and balanced exercise help increase the longevity of eyebrow implants.


If you are looking for a natural, easy, cost-effective and safe way to enhance your eyebrows, we suggest eyebrow implants in Iran. In Medpaltrip we are with you during all stages of your trip and treatment.

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