LASIK Eye Surgery

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  • Transfer
  • Interpreter
  • Consultation
  • Medical Tests
  • Medical imaging
  • SIM Card & Internet
  • Visa Application Letter

From $1000

Our LASIK eye surgery services are of the greatest possible quality, and they are provided by our best eye care centers in Iran. If you are in need of LASIK Eye Surgery, consider consulting one of our top Iranian eye surgeons for the best possible outcome.

The Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery in Iran

The cost of LASIK eye surgery is significantly lower in Iran compared to other countries. For example, the average cost of LASIK surgery in the United States is around $3,000 per eye, while in Iran, the LASIK eye surgery cost is around $500 per eye. It should be noted that depending on the surgeon’s reputation and level of expertise, the complexity of the operation, and the eye care center, the price might be slightly different.

The Procedures of LASIK Eye Surgery in Iran

The laser eye surgeons use local anesthesia eye drops to numb the eyes before beginning the laser surgery. To keep the eyelid in place and out of the way, a specialized blinking retainer is utilized. The surgeons use cutting-edge technology that can track the motions of the eye at speeds of 4,000 times per second.

The average LASIK procedure usually lasts under 30 minutes. You do not require an overnight stay in the hospital for LASIK surgery. Considering that the operation and your discharge take place on the same day, it is known as an outpatient procedure. Even though LASIK is a safe procedure, recovery still takes some time. A flap is carved into the cornea during the procedure; therefore, it needs some time to reconnect itself before the patients can resume their normal life. The normal recovery time is around three months.

Although LASIK is a safe procedure, recovery still takes some time because a flap is cut into the cornea during the procedure; as a result, it needs some time to reconnect itself before the patients can resume their normal life. The average LASIK procedure typically lasts under 30 minutes; you do not need to spend the night in the hospital for LASIK surgery; it is known as an outpatient procedure because the operation and your discharge take place on the same day.

LASIK Eye Surgery: Everything you Need to Know

LASIK eye surgery is a common treatment that has assisted millions of patients all over the world to improve their vision and alleviate the need for them to use corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses. It is crucial to know more about the LASIK eye surgery methods in order to make an informed decision if you are considering having the treatment.

Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis is what people refer to when they talk about LASIK. During the operation, an ophthalmologist produces a flap in the cornea by utilizing a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. This will allow for easier access to the underlying structures of the eye.

The Laser reshapes the cornea in order to rectify the refractive defect, after which the flap is folded back and secured in place. Then, the flap is replaced, and the normal healing process of the eye is allowed to take place.

The actual operation takes around ten minutes for each eye, and the patient remains conscious during the whole process. After receiving a local anesthetic in order to numb the eye, the patient may feel some pressure throughout the procedure, but they should not feel any discomfort.

Following the surgery, the patient will get eye drops to help decrease irritation and protect the eyes against infection. The majority of patients are able to resume their regular activities within a few days, although it may take several weeks for their vision to get back to normal condition.

Those with refractive defects, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, are good candidates for LASIK eye surgery, which is a safe and effective technique. On the other hand, not everyone is an appropriate candidate for the Lasik procedure.

People who have preexisting medical diseases or issues with their eyes may have a greater chance of experiencing difficulties as a result of the procedure. If you want to find out whether LASIK surgery is the correct choice for you, it is essential to consult an ophthalmologist.

Consult with us to choose the best surgeon for you.

According to the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology, the success rate of LASIK surgery in Iran is over 98%, which is on par with the success rates of LASIK surgery in other developed countries. Our ophthalmologists have extensive expertise doing Lasik surgery in Iran, as well as strenuous training in the most recent methods and technologies.

To ensure that our patients will achieve their favorite results, our ophthalmologists make use of the most cutting-edge technologies. We take care of our patients by guiding them through the whole procedure, answering any questions, or addressing any issues they may encounter along the way.

With various medical tourism packages, we get great satisfaction from the fact that we are able to provide our patients with the highest quality eye care treatments that are currently available.

We recognize that the ability to see is a priceless gift, and as a result, we are committed to assisting our patients in attaining the highest level of visual acuity via the use of techniques that are both safe and effective, such as LASIK eye surgery. We make it a priority to put every patient at ease and instill confidence in them about our treatments.

How to Prepare for LASIK Surgery

Although LASIK is now a predictable outpatient procedure due to advances in technology, it is still essential to prepare your eyes to attain the best results.

Things To Do Before LASIK Surgery

  • You need to stop wearing your contact lenses for a while to prepare for LASIK surgery. You will have to swap out your contacts to glasses a few weeks before the procedure.
  • You should avoid wearing soft contact lenses for a week Before LASIK surgery.
  • Three weeks before the surgery, you should remove your Toric lenses from your eyes.
  • Before undergoing the LASIK surgery, gas-permeable lenses may need to be removed from your eyes for a few months. Make sure to specifically ask your surgeon what they recommend for your unique situation.
  • Never sleep in your contacts, especially the night before LASIK surgery. Prior to having LASIK surgery, make sure not to sleep in them for at least 3 weeks.
  • One day before your LASIK surgery, begin using eye drops as prescribed, keeping your eyes moist when preparing for LASIK surgery.
  • Take antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops as prescribed by your surgeon. Specific brands of artificial tears are also recommended.

Things To Do on the LASIK Surgery Day

  • You need to stop wearing your contact lenses for a while to prepare for LASIK surgery. You will have to swap out your contacts to glasses a few weeks before the procedure.
  • You should avoid wearing soft contact lenses for a week Before LASIK surgery.
  • Three weeks before the surgery, you should remove your Toric lenses from your eyes.
  • Before undergoing the LASIK surgery, gas-permeable lenses may need to be removed from your eyes for a few months. Make sure to specifically ask your surgeon what they recommend for your unique situation.
  • Never sleep in your contacts, especially the night before LASIK surgery. Prior to having LASIK surgery, make sure not to sleep in them for at least 3 weeks.
  • One day before your LASIK surgery, begin using eye drops as prescribed, keeping your eyes moist when preparing for LASIK surgery.
  • Take antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops as prescribed by your surgeon. Specific brands of artificial tears are also recommended.

Things To Do During the LASIK Recovery Period

  • Most patients recover quickly from LASIK, and they can return to most of their regular activities within a day or two. The real healing process, however, takes a little longer, often lasting 3-6 months. During this time, your vision should gradually get better.
  • You will likely experience some soreness following surgery once the topical anesthesia wears off. It is typical to experience itching or burning.
  • When you get home, take a couple of hours of rest and refrain from doing any strenuous activities. Your vision will be blurry immediately after the treatment as if you had just opened your eyes underwater. After the LASIK treatment, your vision should improve significantly, although you might experience some short-term adverse effects as your body heals. The most typical is dryness, and your doctor probably gave you lubricating eye drops for this. To keep your eyes moist, be sure to use them as prescribed.
  • Other potential symptoms you may experience after surgery include halos around your eyes at night, tearing eyes, puffy eyelids, and sensitivity to light. These should all diminish within a week.
  • If you experience severe pain after the surgery, contact your doctor immediately.
Haven’t decided yet?


The followings are some of the frequently asked questions about LASIK surgery:

The fact that not everyone is an excellent candidate for LASIK surgery in Iran should not be overlooked and that a thorough eye examination and consultation with a qualified LASIK surgeon are required to determine if the surgery is appropriate for you. Generally speaking, a good candidate for LASIK is someone who:

  • Has had a stable vision for at least a year.
  • Is over 18 (in some cases, 21 or older).
  • Has a healthy cornea that is thick enough to undergo the procedure.
  • Has no eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, or keratoconus.
  • Has no significant eye conditions such as dry eye syndrome.
  • Has good general health and is not pregnant or nursing.
  • Has realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.

Not everyone is a good candidate for LASIK, and some people who may not be candidates for the procedure include:

  • People under 18 years
  • Pregnant or nursing women, as hormonal changes can affect vision.
  • People with certain medical conditions such as autoimmune disorders and diabetes, as these conditions can affect the healing process.
  • People with thin or irregular corneas as they may not have enough tissue to safely undergo the procedure.
  • People with certain eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and keratoconus.
  • People with a history of certain eye diseases or injuries.
  • People with a history of dry eye syndrome or other chronic eye conditions.

It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and a comprehensive eye exam and consultation with an experienced LASIK surgeon is necessary to determine if the procedure is right for you.


Can’t find your question? Ask it in the box below and a board-certified LASIK eye surgeon will answer.

Provide specific details, such as the treatment you’re considering and any other relevant information about yourself. Questions with details are prioritized and help ophthalmologists give the best answers.

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