Microneedling in Iran

Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling is a method of removing excess skin lesions. The skin is also cleansed and rejuvenated in this treatment.

An Overview of Microneedling in Iran

microneedling before microneedling after

Microneedling is a partial skin cosmetic procedure for removing scars. This creates small holes on the surface of the skin with very small and delicate needles. This will stimulate your skin resulting in freshness and rejuvenation. Microneedling is a cheaper method of skin rejuvenation in comparison to laser therapy and therefore is very popular in Iran as well as the rest of the world.

Microneedling requires knowledge and skills which our specialists in Medpaltrip provide you with at reasonable costs and world class quality.

We have covered everything you need to know about microneedling in Iran including the costs, benefits, types, pre and post operative procedures, and the side effects in this article.

Cost of Microneedling in Iran

The cost of microneedling in Iran is way below the other countries. In the United States, microneedling costs about $100 to $700 per session. At present, due to lower costs compared to other countries, Iran has become one of the most popular destinations for microneedling.

Note that the cost of microneedling is dependent on several factors. These factors include;

  • The center;
  • The extent of underlying problems;
  • The number of treatment sessions varies from case to case. You should consult your doctor about the number of sessions required for you.
  • The physician skills. At Medpaltrip we provide the finest specialists.

Take a look at the charts below to compare microneedling prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : 2000$
Turkey : 3500$
India : 4000$
Brazil : 4505$
Thailand : 4533$
USA : 7600$

Why Do We Need Microneedling?

Human skin, especially facial skin, plays a very important role in beauty and self-confidence. Over time, issues and lesions may develop on the skin. There is a protein in the skin called collagen, which is also known as skin scaffold and is involved in maintaining the firmness and freshness of the skin. Collagen production drops with age (especially after the age of 30). This in turns results in reduced freshness of the skin, wrinkles and sagging skin.

The basis of many skin rejuvenation methods is the stimulation of collagen production. Microneedling follows the same concept

Skin Rejuvenation Techniques

There are different methods for rejuvenating the skin and removing its lesions, all of which are performed by experienced professionals of Medpaltrip. Some of these include the following:

Injection of fillers or gels under the skin is used to fill in facial wrinkles and add volume to tissues such as lips and cheeks.

Laser therapy can remove medium to deep lines and wrinkles and cause firmness, increase moisture and improve skin tone.

In this method, the dermatologist injects the fat extracted from other parts of your body (such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks) into the desired area of the face.


HIFU is a method that takes advantage of ultrasound for skin rejuvenation. This radiation can stimulate collagen production. 



Injecting various amounts of carbon dioxide gas stimulates the skin blood supply and helps skin repair.



Microneedling helps skin rejuvenation through using a vibrating device and special powders.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure for rejuvenating and removing skin lesions. Microneedling, creates pores on the surface of the skin using a device that has a large number of fine, sterile needles. This stimulates the production of collagen and thus rejuvenates the skin.

In Iran microneedling is for treating the following;

  • wrinkles;
  • scar;
  • Acne;
  • Alopecia (localized hair loss with a masculine pattern);
  • Large pores of the skin;
  • The location of the skin stretch;
  • Rosacea, which is the inflammation and chronic redness of the skin;
  • Loose skin;
  • Sunburn.

Advantages of Fat Injection in Iran

Some of the advantages of microneedling are:

  • Increasing skin moisture;
  • Stimulating collagen production;
  • Removing scars and skin blemishes;
  • Reducing facial wrinkles.

Another benefit of microneedling is that it is not limited to the skin of the face and can be applied anywhere such as stretch marks or old acne on the chest, back and legs.

Also, as stated before, there are various methods for skin rejuvenation. Some major advantages of microneedling in comparison with other methods are the much lower cost, shorter recovery period (less than a day), excellent longevity (up to a year and sometimes even more), compatibility with all types of skin even darker skins, usability for a variety of skin problems and far less side effects.

Microneedling Techniques



There are a variety of microneedling techniques available today, and depending on the degree of area of affected skin and underlying diseases, people can choose the best treatment option for their case in consultation with their doctor.


Stand alone Microneedling
There are no adjuvate treatments in this method.



At-Home Microneedling
Microneedling can be done at home using a variety of tools. At-home microneedling equipment do not pierce the skin and so have less therapeutic effect. They are also more difficult to clean and the chances of wounds and infections increase. Dermatologists often do not recommend at-home microneedling.


Who Is It For?

  • Microneedling can be done from the age of 20 onwards. The best age to perform microneedling is between 20 and 30 years old. Microneedling at this age will slow down the aging process in your skin. The skin at this age has great ability to make collagen following its stimulation by the needle.
  • Microneedling at older ages is also followed by amazing and significant results. It stops the aging process and formation of facial wrinkles, stimulates collagen production, improves lesions and wrinkles of the face, and thus rejuvenates the skin.

In general, most people can have microneedling to rejuvenate or repair their skin. However a number of things can prevent microneedling such as:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Active skin infection or herpes; Microneedling in a person with herpes may cause the lesion to spread to other parts of the skin. At least a few weeks should have passed since the herpes disappeared before microneedling is performed;
  • Specific treatments for acne (use of roaccutane in the last six months);
  • Open wound;
  • Radiotherapy in the last 12 months;
  • Skin numbness;

Microneedling can be used on deep acne lesions, but is not recommended for active acne with pustules as it can spread the infection to other parts of the skin.

Pre-Treatment Preparations

  • Microneedling is safe from the age of 20 onwards. The best age to perform microneedling is between 20 and 30 years old. Microneedling at this age will slow down the aging process in your skin. The skin at this age has great ability to make collagen following its stimulation by the needle.
  • Microneedling at older ages will also result in amazing and significant results. It stops the aging process and formation of facial wrinkles, stimulates collagen production, improves lesions and wrinkles of the face, and thus rejuvenates the skin.

In general, most people can have microneedling to rejuvenate or repair their skin. However a number of things can prevent microneedling such as:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Active skin infection or herpes; Microneedling in a person with herpes may cause the lesion to spread to other parts of the skin. At least a few weeks should have passed since the herpes disappeared before microneedling;
  • Specific treatments for acne (use of Roaccutane in the last six months);
  • Open wound;
  • Radiotherapy in the last 12 months;
  • Skin numbness;

Microneedling is useful for deep acne lesions, but not for active acne with pustules as it can spread the infection to other parts of the skin.

How Microneedling Is Done in Iran

how microneedling is done

As previously stated, the main purpose of microneedling is to stimulate the skin in order to produce collagen. Microneedling can be painful so doctors often apply a local anesthetic cream about an hour before the procedure. After full anasthasation, based on the purpose of the treatment, the dermatologist will use a serum to wash the skin. This moisturizes the skin and makes it so the microneedling device moves more freely on the surface of your skin.

There are various devices for microneedling. These include:


This is the primary microneedling device for the scalp. There are many similar automatic devices that have numerous sterile and interchangeable needles. Dermarollers still have their own applications; for example, they are used in At-home microneedling.


There are different types of Dermapen. Dermapen is a newer method ins comparison with Dermaroller and has a wider array of applications. For example, you can use dermapens in narrower areas (such as above the lips and around the nose) as it is a much smaller device.

Depending on the skin type and the location of the target area, the procedure will need needles with different sizes. Most devices have an adjustable needle that can control the depth of the holes. For example, the skin of the chin is thicker than the forehead and requires needles as long as 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Red and bleeding skin indicates the therapeutic effect of microneedling.

Complete treatment may require 3 to 9 sessions, each lasting about 30 to 60 minutes depending on age, skin type, and skin lesion; For example, severe sunburn requires more sessions. The interval between sessions may be between 2 and 6 weeks.


Microneedling has a very short recovery period, however it is good to follow the aftercare to get the best results.

  • You may experience redness and burning after microneedling, which is normal as your skin is sore.
  • If you feel comfortable, you can do all your daily chores or get to work.
  • Some people use light makeup to cover their redness. Avoid applying makeup for 24 to 48 hours after microneedling.
  • Your skin becomes very sensitive to the sun for about two weeks after microneedling, and it is necessary to use sunscreen to prevent possible side effects.
  • Keep your skin moist.
  • Avoid any heavy exercises that cause sweating for up to 72 hours, as it can cause bacteria to enter the pores of the skin and lead to infection.

After microneedling, your skin recovers quickly and you can see the results in less than a few weeks. To get a better result, you may need to do several microneedling sessions. Our experts in Medpaltrip will accompany you to achieve the desired result.

Possible Side Effects

Many people do not experience complications after microneedling. But sometimes it is accompanied by a few temporary side effects which will disappear on their own. The most common complication of microneedling is inflammation of the skin. The redness may persist for several days. Other symptoms include dryness and flaking during the first few days.

Experience treatment with the least complications and the best results by visiting the doctors of Medpaltrip.

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