Thighplasty in Iran

Why Choose Iran And Cost Comparison

Thighplasty is a leg surgery used to tighten, shape and symmetrise the thighs along with proportioning them with the rest of the body.

A General Overview of Thighplasty

Thighplasty before Thighplasty after

Thighplasty surgery in Iran is a cosmetic surgery that aims to remove loose thighs, straighten the thighs and improve the appearance of the thighs in general. This method can be used inside or outside the thigh. The popularity of thigh lift in Iran is increasing due to its significant effects.

In a thigh lift, extra skin and extra tissues are removed to achieve the goals. If severe weight loss has caused excess skin on your thighs or you have failed to achieve your ideal weight through diet and exercise, thigh lift surgery is a great way to look your best.

In this article, we try to have a general overview about thighplasty in Iran. We will examine things such as the cost, methods, the right candidates, benefits, aftercare in Iran and possible side effects.

Cost Of Thighplasty In Iran

The average cost of plastic surgery or facelift in the United States is $ 5,000. Of course, the exact price depends on the following:

  • The physician skills;
  • The cost of anesthesia;
  • The cost of hospitalization or surgery clinic;
  • Surgical procedure;
  • The amount and location of excess adipose tissue and thigh skin.

Take a look at the charts below to compare thighplasty prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : $1,730
India : $3,140
Turkey : $3,200
Thailand : $4,000
USA : $5,000
Brazil : $6,000

Surgery Details

Thighplasty has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world. It takes an average of 2 to 4 weeks to fully heal. The treatment is carried out under general anesthesia and in 10 days time the candidate can resume work. The surgery itself takes 2 – 3 hours.




2 - 3 Hours

Clinical Stay

1 Night

Total Stay

7 - 10 Days

Back to Work

7 - 10 Days


2 - 4 Weeks

What Is Thighplasty?

What is thighplasty

It is no secret that the thigh plays an important role in a person’s appearance. Thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery that enhances the appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin and tissue in the area. This will make your skin and the shape of your thighs smoother and younger. In addition to relieving sagging skin due to severe weight loss or aging, it can also eliminate the symptoms of skin stretching caused by weight gain.

Thigh lift surgery can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. The most common of these are tummy tuck or brazilian butt lift surgery. Simultaneous liposuction may be very effective in achieving a more beautiful appearance too.

Thighplasty Methods in Iran

There are several methods for thigh lift. Our doctors in Medpaltrip choose the best method according to your needs and characteristics. These methods are categorized based on the shape and size of the incisions they make on your skin.

Types of thigh lift methods in Iran include the following:

Internal or Medial Thighplasty
The most common method of thigh lift is usually chosen by the surgeon for people who have loose skin after severe weight loss or have resistant fat inside their thighs. In this method, an incision is made in the groin that extends to the crease of the buttocks in the back. Vertical incisions may also be made in the lower thigh as needed for greater access.

Mini Thigh Lift
If the sagging skin is only in the upper thigh, the surgeon may choose this method. The mini thigh lift is actually an internal thigh lift that only makes small incisions in the groin. The recovery period in this method is shorter.

Bilateral Thigh Lift
In this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the upper thigh at the junction of the abdomen and legs that extends toward the buttocks as needed. After removing the excess skin, the surgeon closes the remaining skin tightly, creating a smooth skin.

Vertical Thigh Lift
This method is usually used to remove large amounts of skin and extra tissue in the thigh.

Thigh Lift With Liposuction
In some cases, the elasticity of your skin may be reduced. In this method, liposuction removes excess fat from under your skin and prevents the skin from sagging after the operation.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Thighplasty?

Who Is The Right Candidate For Thighplasty

Most people who are after achieving a beautiful appearance on their thighs may undergo thighplasty; however, they must meet the following conditions:

  • Have extra skin or tissue along your thighs;
  • Have reached a constant weight; If you are losing weight, you may experience sagging skin after the operation. In addition, significant weight gain has a negative effect on the outcome of the operation;
  • Be mentally healthy;
  • Have realistic expectations of action;
  • Be able to maintain a proper diet and exercise after the surgery;
  • Do not smoke; smoking affects the healing process and increases the complications of the operation;

The following people should avoid this procedure:

  • People with diabetes;
  • People who smoke heavily;
  • pregnant women;
  • People with cardiovascular issues.

Advantages of Thighplasty in Iran

  • It boosts self-confidence;
  • Increase diversity in clothing choices;
  • Reduce the risk of irritation or skin infections at the chin site;
  • Lasting results if you maintain weight and follow medical measures;
  • It also causes weight loss due to the removal of adipose tissue;
  • It increases the quality of life;
  • Facilitates sports activities;
  • Achieves a beautiful and younger appearance.

Preoperative Preparations

  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least 4 weeks before surgery.
  • If you are taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin, talk to your doctor about stopping it.
  • If you are taking herbal medicines, stop taking them.
  • Keep your thigh skin clean and healthy as in case of infection, the surgeon will not be able to perform a thigh lift.
  • Drink plenty of water and take supplements such as vitamin C and iron tablets to speed recovery.
  • Get enough rest before the operation; you may not be able to sleep properly after the operation. Lack of adequate rest and sleep slows down the healing process.
  • Exercise and eat a healthy diet as you have to keep your weight constant.
  • Perform preoperative tests at your doctor’s request.
  • Do not eat anything 12 hours before the operation; it disrupts the anesthesia process.
  • Arrange with a person to accompany you on the day of the operation and after.
  • If you are employed, take time off work for at least 2 weeks; as you may not be able to carry out your job duties.

How It Is Done

how thighplasty is done

Thigh lift surgery takes between 2-4 hours and only requires local anesthesia. Some candidates require hospitalization the night before at the doctor’s discretion to control his diet and take the necessary medications.

On the day of the operation, your surgeon will draw lines on your skin according to the purpose and previous conversations in the operation room.

Next, the anesthesiologist will anesthetize you. After anesthesia, the surgeon will make incisions in your thigh depending on the purpose and method of surgery. In the internal surgical method, the surgeon will make an incision from the junction of the thigh to the pubic area and extends to the crease of the hip. In the mini-fiber method, the surgeon makes a small incision in the thigh area. As for the vertical method, the surgeon makes an incision from the groin to the top of the knee. In the external or external method, it creates an incision in the area where the lower limb connects to the abdomen, which is similar to the letter V.

After making an incision and removing the extra skin and tissue, the surgeon closes the remaining skin tightly. It may be necessary to insert tubes attached to the drain (bag-shaped device to remove secretions) under your skin to remove the secretions under your skin. After the operation, the patient may need to hospitalization for at least one night.


  • Your surgeon will bandage the surgical site immediately after surgery. The surgical site may require drains.
  • Use painkillers after the operation because of the pain.
  • Do not take medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin for at least 2 days due to increased bleeding.

24 Hours After Surgery

You must be able to walk before being discharged from the hospital.

  • You may need help with things like going to the bathroom.
  • Avoid applying pressure to the thigh area while sleeping. Many patients use pillows under their feet to prevent this.
  • Get enough sleep; because sleep plays an important role in the healing process.
  • Walk slowly. Avoid doing sports and taking stairs.

2 to 3 Weeks After Surgery

  • Take a bath 2 days after surgery and gently open the dressing and wash the surgical site. Then bandage it again, using tight clothing to apply pressure.
  • See your doctor one week after surgery for further follow-up. The doctor will inform you about removing the stitches and drain after the examination.
  • 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, the surgical site may become red, which heals on its own.
  • 2 to 3 weeks after the operation, you can do light exercise and drive.

After The First Month

  • At the doctor’s discretion, you may start using tight clothing.
  • There should be no signs of redness or inflammation. Be sure to contact your doctor if it persists.
  • 6 to 8 weeks after the operation, with the advice of a doctor, you can do your usual exercises.
  • 6 to 12 after the operation, your recovery process will be complete.

Postoperative Diet

  • Drink lots of fluids after anesthesia;
  • Reduce your diet by 20% because you will not be able to do your usual activities for about a month;
  • Use less salt for a month as it causes inflation.
  • Do not smoke for 6 weeks after surgery.

The results of thigh lift surgery will last for the rest of your life. But since the shape of the thigh changes over time, especially with weight, you should maintain your weight.

Possible Side Effects

thighplasty side effects

Similar to other surgeries thigh lift surgery may have side effects. These are not serious or permanent. These side effects include:

The accumulation of fluid under the skin. Doctors usually insert a drain to prevent this complication.

Certain scar marks may occur on the skin which will disappear in a couple of weeks.

Bruising and Swelling
Bruising and swelling is normal and resolves spontaneously up to 2 to 3 weeks after surgery.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a fever above 38 degrees, heat and pain on touching the surgical site, yellow and purulent discharge from the area, and pain that does not improve with painkillers.

This usually occurs right after and 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Make sure you see your doctor if bleeding prolongs.

Other complications may occur and resolve on their own.

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