Before and After Surgeries Photos

Get a brief look at these plastic and cosmetic surgeries results by our professional, highly-educated surgeons in Iran.

Before and After Surgeries Photos

Get a brief look at these plastic and cosmetic surgeries results by our professional, highly-educated surgeons in Iran.

Cosmetic surgery isn’t just about vanity or chasing unrealistic societal beauty standards. For many people, cosmetic procedures provide an opportunity to correct issues that significantly impact their confidence and quality of life. As you browse the before and after photos of procedures performed by our skilled cosmetic surgeons, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how transformative their work can be. Under their expert hands, sagging skin is tightened, asymmetric features are balanced, and signs of aging seem to melt away. While cosmetic surgery will not solve all of life’s problems or necessarily make you happier, for those struggling with a particular cosmetic concern, it can be empowering to finally see the person you’ve always felt you were reflected back at you in the mirror. Our cosmetic surgeons have honed their craft over decades and thousands of procedures, allowing them to achieve natural-looking results and a refreshed appearance for their patients. Take a look through these photos and see the difference experience and skill can make.

The cosmetic surgeons of our practice are highly skilled professionals with decades of combined experience. Their expertise is on full display in our extensive before and after photo gallery. Below are a few of the dramatic transformations that demonstrate their mastery of cosmetic procedures.

Rhinoplasty in Iran, commonly known as a “nose job,” can profoundly change one’s appearance by altering the size or shape of the nose. In the first set of photos, our surgeon refined and narrowed the nose, reduced a dorsal hump, and improved tip projection to create a naturally attractive profile in harmony with the rest of the face.

A facelift in Iran can rejuvenate an aging face by tightening underlying tissues and redraping the skin of the face and neck. Our second set of photos shows how a facelift erased years from the patient’s face by lifting sagging jowls, reducing excess fat in the neck, and smoothing wrinkles for a refreshed and youthful look.

For those seeking to enhance and balance their features, breast augmentation in Iran uses implants to increase bust size and achieve a symmetrical result. Our third before and after set depicts a subtle yet stunning transformation achieved with breast implants carefully selected to complement the patient’s figure.

The skill and artistry of our surgeons is evident in these photos showcasing the dramatic yet natural-looking results they are able to achieve. We invite you to explore our full gallery to see more of their masterful work. Our practice is dedicated to helping patients realize their vision of a rejuvenated and confident self.