Knee replacement in Iran

Knee Replacement

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From $2700

At MedPalTrip, we provide top-quality knee replacement surgery that can help alleviate pain and restore mobility in those suffering from knee conditions. We are connected with several experienced and skilled surgeons who are dedicated to delivering the best possible results for our patients. They use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure a successful outcome. We are totally aware that every patient has distinct needs, that’s why we provide individualized care, taking the time to thoroughly understand each case and adjusting our therapies as required.If you are experiencing knee pain or issues, we encourage you to contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help.

The Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery in Iran

The cost of knee replacement surgery in Iran is generally considered to be lower than that of many other countries, including the United States and many European countries.

The recent promotion of medical tourism in the country has increased competition among healthcare providers and, as a result, decreased costs for various medical treatments, including knee arthroplasty. Currently, patients looking for economical, high-quality healthcare services find Iran to be a desirable destination.

There are numerous knowledgeable and competent orthopedic surgeons in Iran. The government has made significant investments in medical education and training, creating a large pool of skilled healthcare professionals who can carry out complex operations like knee replacement surgery.

The average knee replacement cost in the United States is around $40,000, while the average knee replacement cost in Iran is around $2700. It should be noted that depending on the surgeon’s reputation and level of expertise, the complexity of the operation, and the hospital, the price may fluctuate slightly.

The Procedures of Knee Replacement Surgery in Iran

Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to restore the function of a joint that involves replacing a damaged or worn knee joint with an artificial one. An incision is often made in the knee, the damaged joint surfaces are removed, and the remaining bone is then fixed with a metal and plastic implant. In addition to giving the patient stability and support, the implant is made to imitate the knee joint’s normal range of motion.

The procedure may be performed under general anesthesia or regional anesthesia, and it typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. To restore strength and movement in the injured knee, patients may require physical therapy and rehabilitation after surgery. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to get back to normal life. The success rate of knee replacement surgery in Iran is generally high with the majority of patients reporting significant postoperative improvements.

Knee Replacement Surgery in Iran: Everything You Need to Know

In recent years, Iran has become a favorite place for those looking for affordable, high-quality knee replacement surgery. The fact that Iran has a lower cost of living than many other countries is one of the key factors contributing to the lower cost of knee replacement surgery. Due to decreasing operation expenses of hospitals and healthcare personnel, surgical procedures like knee replacement surgery become more affordable.

Another reason is that Iran has a highly developed healthcare system with many skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons. Moreover, Iranian hospitals are equipped with modern medical technology and highly advanced facilities that are comparable to those in developed countries. This ensures that patients receive high-quality care and treatment in the country’s modern hospitals.

Moreover, patients receive individualized treatment plans and are closely monitored by healthcare professionals throughout the surgical process and during post-operative rehabilitation.

Knee replacement surgery in Iran offers great affordability, high-quality care, and skilled orthopedists. Therefore, for those seeking an affordable and effective solution to knee pain and disability, knee replacement surgery in Iran can be a feasible option.

Consult with us to choose the best surgeon for you.

How to Prepare for Knee Replacement Surgery

An easier recovery and successful knee replacement surgery can be achieved with proper planning. Before undergoing knee replacement surgery, some steps should be taken by the patients:

How to Prepare for Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Consult with your doctor: It’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with your doctor to talk over the pros and drawbacks of the process as well as any other treatment options before opting to have knee replacement surgery.
  • Get a pre-operative physical exam: Your doctor may recommend a pre-operative physical exam to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery and to identify any potential risks or complications.
  • Make arrangements for post-operative care: After knee replacement surgery, you may need assistance with your daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and walking. It’s important to make arrangements for post-operative care, which may include hiring a caregiver or arranging for family members or friends to help.
  • Lose weight if necessary: Excess weight can put additional stress on the knee joint and increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. If you are overweight, your doctor may recommend losing some weight before surgery.
  • Follow pre-operative instructions: Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions to follow in the days and weeks leading up to surgery. These may include avoiding smoking and certain medications or stopping certain activities.

Things To Do After Knee Replacement Surgery

After knee replacement surgery, it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to ensure a successful recovery. The followings are some of the steps you need to take after knee replacement surgery:

  • Take all medications as prescribed: You will be given some medications to manage post-operative pain. Make sure to take the medication as prescribed and report any excessive pain to your doctor.
  • Participate in physical therapy: Physical therapy after knee arthroplasty is an important part of the healing process. Your doctor may ask you to take part in physical therapy to help you regain strength and mobility in the injured knee. Attend every physical therapy session and perform the exercises that your therapist recommends.
  • Use assistive devices as needed: To assist you in moving around securely while you’re recovering, your doctor could advise utilizing assistive devices such as crutches or a walker. Use these devices as directed to lessen your chance of falling or suffering other injuries.
  • Follow a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet can help promote healing and reduce your risk of complications during the recovery period.
  • Keep the incision site clean and dry: It’s important to keep the incision site clean and dry to reduce your risk of infection. Follow your doctor’s instructions for cleaning the site and changing dressings as needed.
  • Attend follow-up appointments: Your doctor will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that your recovery is progressing as planned. Make sure to attend all scheduled appointments and report any concerns or symptoms you may be experiencing.
  • Avoid certain activities: Your doctor will likely recommend avoiding certain activities such as heavy lifting for a period of time after surgery. Make sure to follow these recommendations to avoid any injuries.
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The followings are some of the frequently asked questions about Knee Replacement Surgery:

Orthopedists recommend patients under 60 postpone knee replacement surgery because the average lifespan of these artificial joints is 15 to 20 years. The joint will probably need to be replaced if the operation is performed on a younger patient.

A small cut (incision) is made during a minimally invasive procedure compared to conventional knee replacements. In order for the surgeons to see through the small incision and perform the procedure, this kind of surgery often requires special instruments.

The average recovery time from knee replacement surgery is approximately six months, but it can take roughly 12 months to fully return to physically demanding activities. Though the recovery process can be long, there are steps you can take to heal well and speed up your recovery process.

One of the most common problems people experience after knee replacement is a stiff knee joint. This can cause difficulty with activities that require bending, including going down the stairs, sitting in a chair, or getting off a car.

Besides being highly careful while doing any activity after the Knee replacement surgery, patients should avoid sitting for long periods of time or using stairs excessively. Moreover, they are recommended not to ignore significant pain.

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