Tummy Tuck Surgery In Iran


In abdominoplasty excess skin and belly fat are removed, making the muscles and skin of the abdomen firm, smooth and beautiful.

An Overview of Tummy Tuck Surgery in Iran

before tummy tuck surgery After tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tuck is one of the most common plastic surgeries in Iran. The purpose of this surgery is to remove excess fat and skin in the abdomen area and restore beauty and smoothness. It  is used for both men and women, but most of the candidates are women, as they often face issues after childbirth and weight gain.

In the following, we will review the cost of tummy tuck surgery, the techniques of performing complete and limited abdominoplasty surgery, the advantages and disadvantages, post-abdominoplasty care, and the complications. We will also discuss issues such as removing scars caused by the surgery and preventing the abdomen from returning to its preoperative condition after abdominoplasty.

Tummy Tuck Cost in Iran

The price of Tummy tuck surgery in Iran is affected by several factors, including:

  • Physician experience and expertise;
  • The location of the clinic or hospital;
  • The individual’s physical condition and excess fat volume;
  • Supplies and materials used;
  • Adjuvant medical treatments;
  • Medications and medical supplies required after surgery.

Considering all the above, it is not possible to determine the exact cost of tummy tuck surgery in Iran. You can further discuss the costs of your operation through your online consultation with our doctors in Medpaltrip.

Take a look at the charts below to compare tummy tuck prices in Iran with the rest of the world.

Price in Iran vs. rest of the world
Iran : $2,200
Brazil : $3,500
India : $3,500
Turkey : $4,000
Thailand : $5,300
USA : $8,000

Surgery Details of Tummy Tuck Iran

Abdominoplasty is very common surgery in Iran. It takes 2 to 3 hours under general anesthesia with 1 night of clinical stay. A total of 9 days of stay in Iran is necessary for the candidate. The healing span is anything between 1 to 2 months and the candidate can get back to work just 10 days after the surgery.




2 - 3 Hours

Clinical Stay

1 Night

Total Stay

9 Days

Back to Work

1 – 2 months


1 - 2 Months

Why Do We Need Tummy Tuck?

Why Do We Need Tummy Tuck?

Aging, weight gain and loss, pregnancy, heredity and environmental factors can cause enlargement and sagging of the abdomen. In some cases, this sagging is also resistant to diet and exercise. In addition to restricting daily activities and sports, this issue also has a severe effect on the person’s mood, reduces their self-confidence and deteriorates their body image.

Medical sciences help people with removing excess fat and skin and flanks in the abdomen by performing various cosmetic surgeries. There are several methods to correct sagging abdomen, which are briefly described below.

360-degree abdominoplasty

In this surgery, in addition to the abdomen, the surgical incision is extended to the sides and buttocks to tighten the skin in all areas.

Limited abdominoplasty or mini-tummy tuck

This method only manipulates the lower parts of the abdomen and does not correct the bulge or extra skin on the upper abdomen. The limited tummy tuck method is useful for mild to moderate laxity.


Lipomatic removes the excess fat using special equipment from the abdomen. It is possible to reinject this fat into other areas, such as the buttocks, to create an enhanced shape.


Similar to lipomatics, liposuction also removes layers of fat from the body but here they are usually not usable for reinjection to the other areas of the body.


This procedure is a combination of liposuction and abdominoplasty.

Abdomen reduction with non-Invasive

This is normally for when the abdominal volume is small. Also, the effect of this method is limited. Methods such as cool sculpting only result in slight stiffness in the skin of the abdomen and are of little use for loose and sagging bellies.

Classic abdominoplasty, complete or tummy tuck

This is normally for when the abdominal volume is small. Methods such as cool sculpting only result in slight stiffness in the skin of the abdomen and are of little use for loose and sagging bellies.

What is Tummy Tuck?

What is Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is an operation for removing excess fat and skin of the middle and lower abdomen and correcting the overall shape of the abdomen. This method is more useful for abdomens that are too large and sagging. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is specially for correcting the sagging and laxity of abdominal tissue and flatten the abdomen, correction of the lower back and stiffness of the abdominal wall muscles. This brings fitness and beauty while making the patients feel younger, fresher and more confident.

There is no age limit for abdominoplasty. Every all people with large and convex abdomens, especially women after childbirth. Depending on the condition of your abdomen, your doctor will determine the type of surgery. In addition to removing excess fat and skin from the abdomen, the surgeon also tightens the abdominal muscles to prevent them from sagging in the future.

Abdominoplasty is not just for women, men can also benefit from correcting their sagging abdomen with this method.

Applications of Abdominoplasty in Iran

  • Elimination of loose and sagging skin of the abdomen after repeated deliveries;
  • Correction of sagging abdomen after severe weight loss in men and women;
  • Abdominal correction after gastric bypass or similar surgeries;
  • Umbilical cord correction in cases where a sagging abdomen has caused the umbilical cord to displace;
  • Softening the stiff skin of the abdomen;
  • Elimination of abdominal wall muscle.

Requirements For the Candidates of Abdominoplasty

  • Be physically and mentally healthy.
  • The thickness of the fat mass in their abdomen should not be too much.
  • They should achieve their desired weight and not intend to lose weight after the surgery.
  • They should have good skin elasticity.
  • Should not intend to become pregnant shortly after the surgery.
  • Their weight should be close to the ideal weight.
  • Their weight has remained constant in recent months.

Advantages of Tummy Tuck in Iran

  • Eliminates loose and sagging skin of the abdomen;
  • Eliminates the abdominal wall muscles;
  • Creates a proper contour and shape of the abdomen;
  • Improves and removes skin cracks;
  • Restores self-confidence;
  • Eliminates movement and exercise restrictions;
  • Cost effective.

Who Is It Not For?

  • People who expect to lose weight from surgery.
  • People with underlying illnesses such as heart and lung disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia and kidney failure.
  • Those taking certain medications, such as anticoagulants, and cannot stop their medication for surgery at the doctor’s discretion.
  • People with malnutrition;
  • People with immune system disorders;
  • Those with a history of blood clots in the legs (DVT);
  • People with bowel or bladder dysfunction;
  • People with vascular insufficiency

Preoperative Preparations

  • First of all, do sufficient research to find a competent doctor and achieve your desired results. In Medpaltrip we will be by your side to keep you in contact with the best surgeons in Iran and Tehran and entrust your treatment to them.
  • Stop smoking 4 to 6 weeks before surgery. This is because smoking delays wound healing.
  • Stop using anticoagulants and painkillers under your doctor’s supervision one to two weeks prior to the surgery.
  • Avoid taking herbal supplements and medicines.
  • During the consultation, the doctor will examine your physical condition and health. He will also prescribe for the blood tests and imaging you need.
  • Inform your doctor about your medical history, possible illnesses, medications, pregnancy and lactation at your medical consultation.
  • Some surgeons may recommend using the abdominal binders two weeks before surgery.
  • Make sure you achieve your desired weight a few months before surgery and stabilize your weight for at least six months before surgery.
  • The day before surgery, prepare the necessary items such as ice packs, loose cotton clothes and other necessary items.

How Tummy Tuck in Iran Is Done?

tummy-tuck surgery
  • Tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia and depending on the surgical equipment it takes between two to five hours.
  • The surgical technique and the volume of excess tissue are determined by your surgeon in the consultation session. Then on the day of the operation, the surgeon will mark the necessary areas with special markers.
  • After you are unconscious, the surgeon will make the appropriate surgical incision depending on the technique determined earlier. If you are a candidate for classic abdominoplasty, a horizontal incision is made in the target area of ​​the abdomen and all abdominal tissues, including skin and fat, are removed from the area. Of course, the umbilicus remains intact to maintain its blood supply. Also, if needed, the abdominal wall muscles are sutured to achieve the desired quality of stiffness and a smaller more eye-catching waist.
  • Finally, after removing the excess fat and skin, the remaining skin tissue is sutured at the bottom of the incision. After that, the shape of the umbilicus and its location are determined and the patient’s umbilicus is sutured to the desired location.

If the surgeon uses limited abdominoplasty technique, the incision and the tissue removed from the body is smaller. In lipoabdominoplasty, the surgeon will remove excess fat from the body through liposuction before removing excess tissue.

  • Finally, to drain the blood and secretions from the wounds, the surgeon inserts a tube called a drain under the skin of the operation site and bandages the wound after closing it.
  • After tummy tuck surgery in Iran, you will be hospitalized for 24 to 48 hours and will be discharged after receiving the necessary advice.

Our medical team with the most proficient surgeons will ensure you will achieve the most desirable results.


  • Tummy tuck requires general anesthesia. Depending on the surgical equipment it takes between two to five hours.
  • Your surgeon determines the surgical technique and the volume of excess tissue during the consultation session. Then on the day of the operation, the surgeon will mark the necessary areas with special markers.
  • After you are unconscious, the surgeon will make the appropriate surgical incision depending on the technique determined earlier. If you are a candidate for classic abdominoplasty, your doctor will make a horizontal incision in the target area of ​​the abdomen and removes all the excess abdominal tissues, including skin and fat. Of course, the umbilicus remains intact to maintain its blood supply. Also, if necessary, your surgeon will suture the abdominal wall muscles to achieve the desired quality of stiffness and a smaller more eye-catching waist.
  • Finally, after removing the excess fat and skin, your surgeon will suture the remaining skin tissue at the bottom of the incision. He will then, determine the shape of the umbilicus and its location and sutures the patient’s umbilicus to the desired location.

If the surgeon uses limited abdominoplasty technique, the incision and the tissue removed from the body is smaller. In lipoabdominoplasty, the surgeon will remove excess fat from the body through liposuction before removing excess tissue.

  • Finally, to drain the blood and secretions from the wounds, the surgeon inserts a tube called a drain under the skin of the operation site and bandages the wound after closing it.
  • After tummy tuck surgery in Iran, you will need hospitalization for 24 to 48 hours.

Our medical team with the most proficient surgeons will ensure you will achieve the most desirable results.

Side Effects of Abdominoplasty

  • Pain, swelling, and bruising at the site of surgery are normal and resolve over time.
  • Having a scar is normal after the operation and, like the incision site of other surgeries, fades in a few months.
  • The surgical incision may turn numb, which in many cases resolves after a few months.

Comparing Tummy Tuck With Other Common Abdomen Reduction Surgeries

Compared to the Mini Tummy Tuck, the surgical incision is smaller in limited abdominoplasty and leaves fewer scars. On the other hand, abdominal correction is better in the classical method and is more suitable for large and sagging abdomens. Also, in limited abdominoplasty, the muscles do not tighten and the shape of the abdomen does not change as much.

Abdominoplasty and Liposuction, Which One Is Better?

Liposuction and lipomatics both help with the reduction of fat mass in the abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs and improve the overall shape of the body. Abdominoplasty is not a fat reduction method, instead it removes excess loose and sagging skin of the abdomen and is more useful in people who have lost weight or given birth. Candidates can undergo liposuction at the same time as abdominoplasty for enhanced results. Lipoabdominoplasty has advantages such as limited bleeding, improving the patient’s body shape, reducing excess fat and fewer postoperative complications and has become the first choice of many people.

Note that the Tummy Tuck abdominoplasty technique is not for weight loss but for correcting sagging and loose abdominal skin. If you are looking to reduce excess body fat, it is better to choose fat reduction methods.


advantages of tummy tuck

Choosing a skilled surgeon is essential for achieving optimum results. A proficient surgeon must have relevant degrees from reputable universities and have completed a subspecialty course in plastic surgery. It is also essential to have previous experience in Tummy Tuck abdominoplasty surgery. In Medpaltrip we connect you with the best surgeons in Iran to keep you satisfied with the treatment process and the results obtained.

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